Monday, 20 August 2018

Sunday Gospel

For a couple of weeks now, our readings, especially the Gospels, continue to tell us
that Jesus is the bread of life. This is simply to remind us of the importance of the
Holy Eucharist in our Christian life.
Eucharist means thanksgiving. So, filled with the Holy Spirit, we give thanks to God
for inviting us to share in His wisdom, and in the Body and Blood of Christ.

                                                                                                    (Gods Word 2018- Daily Reflections , St Pauls Publications)

  • What makes you happy and joyful in your life?
  • What are the most important of these?
  • Why are they the most important?
  • Jesus tells us that we should seek things that will last. In today’s Gospel what does Jesus give us that will last forever?
  • How do we show we are happy and thankful for this great gift?

Monday, 13 August 2018

Sunday Gospel

On this Sunday the Church invites us to focus on Jesus who continues to draw us to himself so that we can be nourished and strengthened like Elijah in the desert.
Jesus tells us that if we eat the Bread he gives us, we will live forever. Jesus requires us to have faith in God’s love and care for us.
Jesus asks us to have faith: after all, we have to take it on his word that we will live forever if we eat his bread.
We believe that God loves us, so we know that God cares for us even when things don’t work out as we would like.This is what it means to have faith in God: to love God and hope in God even when everything is going wrong.
This is the faith and trust that Jesus had in God. Jesus died on the cross still believing and trusting God.  Jesus draws us to Himself every day through the Eucharistic table in order to nourish and strengthen us for our journey.

Let us pray that Jesus, the living Bread, will be at the centre of our lives this week in all we say and do.