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Author of The Future of Learning, MARK TREADWELL, says we need to embrace learning systems that have proven over thousands of years to be far more equitable and successful than rote learning has proven to be over the past 200 years.
Education Review: If the purpose of education is to ready young people for the life ahead of them, what should the future of learning look like?
A: Schools were designed in the 19th and 20th centuries, where the focus was on selecting the top 10–20 per cent of ‘clever’ students to go to tertiary institutions to learn how to manage and tell the remaining 80 per cent what to do. The 80 per cent mostly worked in poorly paid, tedious jobs in factories, administration, service or manual work environments.
In the 21st century that landscape has changed dramatically with software-driven, automated, robotised, prefabricated solutions created using 3D printing processes, ordered online, while our personal lives are often lived out in a hyper-connected environment, resulting in further complexity.
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